Shin da Gori i Gori

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienShin da Gori



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1, Rusudan Kurdadze Street, Gori, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9819286, Longitude: 44.1063159

kommentar 5

  • Jan Knorn

    Jan Knorn


    What a wonderful oasis! We had a great time enjoying the wonderful professional piano player, while eating delicious and excellent food. The big outside dining area is the best place to be after a hot day. Highly recommended!

  • Piotr Myrcha

    Piotr Myrcha


    Pretty cool "secret" place in Gori away from the main street. Staff speaks English, the music is chill and not too loud and food is simply delicious. I would recommend if you're nearby or if you're driving through (as we did)! Portions are huge, we didn't manage to finish two mains for people. Toilets are clean too and the decor is super cool!

  • Daniel Huisman

    Daniel Huisman


    Very nice seating area, good prices and lots of options to choose from. Beware though, portions are huge so odds are you wont be able to finish (and I'm a big guy!!). Luckily the staff was very willing to pack up my food so I could take it with me. Would recommend!

  • Julian Nienhuis

    Julian Nienhuis


    Amazing food, great ambiance and friendly people! We really enjoyed the food, the live music and the home made wine. I would highly recommend Shin Da Gori!

  • Navi Aicrag

    Navi Aicrag


    Good food, good place. The waiters were more interested in their mobile phones than in the costumers. The music was far too loud.

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