Nikala i Gori

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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36, ილია ჭავჭავაძის გამზირი, Gori, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 598 33 33 81
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.9819131, Longitude: 44.112978

kommentar 5

  • Roy Hutchinson

    Roy Hutchinson


    Great food and service

  • Serene Khoo

    Serene Khoo


    They recommended fish barbecue, after 30 min wait and for 21 laris I got 3 small pieces of fish. After 1.5hr, and chasing two times, the potato sides didnt come. But they still tried to make us pay and take it to go Absolutely miserable. We left the place hungry after paying 30 laris.

  • Muhammad Umair Anwar

    Muhammad Umair Anwar


    Good ambience and tasty food. Authentic Georgian cuisine options to try in Gori. Servers were nice and explained what should be order.

  • Emily Cleaver

    Emily Cleaver


    Waitress was friendly and food was nice but the dishes were over priced. The waitress recommended lots of nice dishes to us but didn't inform us of the price, each dish was around 25 GEL and there was too much food. We tried to cancel one of the dishes but she wouldn't let us. Half of the food went to waste and the bill was 147 GEL for two people. Be careful when visiting. Always check the price before ordering or you might find yourself with a huge bill.

  • sam ibay

    sam ibay


    Nice clean atmosphere! Modern looks. More to the hip and young style. Friendly waitress. Delicious burger (10gel) and ginger lemonade. Would recommend to friends.

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