Shavi Lomi • შავი ლომი i Tbilisi

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GeorgienShavi Lomi • შავი ლომი



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28, Zurab Kvlividze Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 96 09 56
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Latitude: 41.7084873, Longitude: 44.8061504

kommentar 5

  • Liju Thomas Eapen

    Liju Thomas Eapen


    Great place to have a quiet meal. Good food & good service. No sign board outside. Worth the visit.

  • B W

    B W


    Fantastic food - Georgian fare with a fresh twist. I recommend the ghomi and desserts. Book a table in the evening, especially if you have a large party or want to sit in the charming garden.

  • David Bayly

    David Bayly


    An excellent restaurant. Hidden away in a quiet residential street north of the river in Tbilisi is this treasure of a little restaurant. From our angle of approach there were no signs announcing the restaurant's bane or presence. That it was a restaurant was evident by looking through the windows, but the terrace dining area is completely invisible behind a large exterior wall and you will likely wonder if you have actually reached your destination when Google Maps announces you've arrived. Inside, the food is amazing, the best food we've had in Georgia, save for Nazy's Guest House in Jokolo. I had the mint and cheeses meatballs with the large appetizer bowl of varied salads and cheeses. My wife had the pork chops. We would have been satisfied with the appetizer bowl by itself. The food was delicious and the garden setting was charming. Service was excellent. We never did see a sign for the restaurant. Perhaps they're worried about zoning, but I think it is more likely that they have achieved such a following they don't need a sign. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Lad Lur


    Great food, great atmosphere. Overall one of the best restaurants in Tbilisi. Highly recommended

  • en

    Elias D.


    Amazing reataurant ! A hidden gem in Tbilissi. Near the Fabrika hostel, you’ll have to push a metallic door to enter heaven. The lamb stewed in white wine is gorgeous. The house wine is amazing. About 30-40GEL per person for starter+main dish+wine

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