Pipes Burger Joint at Fabrika i Tbilisi

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GeorgienPipes Burger Joint at Fabrika



🕗 åbningstider

8, Egnate Ninoshvili Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 23 02 45
internet side: fb.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7093931, Longitude: 44.8026114

kommentar 5

  • Egor Voskoboynikov

    Egor Voskoboynikov


    Best 🍔in Georgia

  • Jeremy Swartz

    Jeremy Swartz


    One of best burgers and fries in Tbilisi. It is located in Fabrika which has a number of great food options. There is a good variety of burger options in the menu. You can also get french fries, onion rings, a quesadilla, and a number of different salads. The burgers are a good size and you should not leave hungry. The burger was cooked exactly as ordered. There fries were cooled perfectly. Firm with just the right amount of crunch on the outside. Service was fast and the staff friendly. There is a decent but limited amount of seating on the inside. Lots of seating outside in a pleasant courtyard.

  • Anthony Smith

    Anthony Smith


    One of the best burgers in Tbilisi and many options as well. Much more seating in the warm weather months but also very popular during those times. Fries are decent, nothing special and every sauce costs extra. A few choices of beer as well!

  • en

    tamari karbelashvili


    Nice place, delicious burgers. A bit long waiting but worth it

  • Gia Jgarkava

    Gia Jgarkava


    At least their fries are really great

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