Palm Beach Hotel i Anaklia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienPalm Beach Hotel


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237, Rustaveli Street, Anaklia, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 596 00 77 00
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Latitude: 42.3934417, Longitude: 41.5622895

kommentar 5

  • Levan Gogsadze

    Levan Gogsadze



  • Natia Zakaraia

    Natia Zakaraia


    This hotel is full of charm with very friendly staff. The rooms are very comfortable, clean and with a warm decoration. Restaurant is having a great location and a nice terrace on the river side. My room was nice and cozy with a wonderful view from the balcony and windows. Meals were excellent. Great outdoor swimming pool. I enjoy sauna, massage and gym room too. I truly recommend this hotel.

  • Joe Nadela

    Joe Nadela


    Great amazing hotel in Anaklia...the place to be if you visit the beach in Anaklia. Nice rooms and amazing help from the staff working there. Thank you and best regards to Lela, Lali and Ela

  • Tornike Mghebrishvili

    Tornike Mghebrishvili


    good place to live

  • Tereza Filipova

    Tereza Filipova


    Cosy, clean and beautiful rooms. Also staff was very helpful. Swimmimg pool in the price was very nice. Amazing hotel for good price.

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