Nana's Guest House i Sighnaghi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienNana's Guest House


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Saragishvili Street 2, Sighnaghi 4200, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 79 50 93
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Latitude: 41.6192197, Longitude: 45.9218946

kommentar 5

  • Isabella Tirelli

    Isabella Tirelli


    Truly welcoming, felt like home. Authentic Georgian experience!

  • Nini Nini

    Nini Nini


    A very nice place. Nana is really friendly, the Location is Great and the rooms comfortable

  • Distelify



    + Nana helped out with everything, arranged a trip to Vashlovani national park. Friendly. Central position. Cosy one person room at the back. Liked the atmosfere of the house. - To much noise, room at the back ok (dubble glass), but in the front sleeping without earplugs almost impossible till around 0:00 o clock. Quads and cars go up and done there. Found it annoying to ring the doorbel everytime I entered. This is more safe but less freedom. Maybe another option is possible?

  • Mohammed Alsalamah

    Mohammed Alsalamah


    Right in the center of Sighnaghi, nice balcony to enjoy morning coffee, spacious and newly refurnished rooms. What made the stay great is Nana's hospitality, she would make snacks and tea for us and would help out whenever possible. Bonus, there is a functioning acoustic guitar, panduri and piano if you're into playing music. I recommend this place for solo travelers and families.

  • Ferenc Csonka

    Ferenc Csonka


    Nana offers nice and clean rooms. They either look at a square with trees or on the valley with a terrace. Her breakfast is all home-made, local products. We found her to be kind and helpful host. Thank you! :)

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