Guest House Art i Sighnaghi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienGuest House Art


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cminda Giorgi 25, Sighnaghi 4200, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 79 00 11
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Latitude: 41.6135253, Longitude: 45.9169722

kommentar 5

  • B. John Ovink

    B. John Ovink


    Hostess stood me up. Was not available on day of checkin, no response to communication efforts. Place was filthy, piles of dirty clothing, full ashtrays, unmade slept-in beds, total mess! No excuses from host, had to find another place to stay for my trip to Signaghi! Horrible!

  • Mohammed Al Dulaimi

    Mohammed Al Dulaimi


    لاباس به

  • Евгений Чирков

    Евгений Чирков


    Very nice house, pleasant hostess Sussanna,

  • Gunta Žūriņa

    Gunta Žūriņa


    In the room, the smell of the mold, the cobwebs of the ceiling, the insects, the old beds, the sieve springs, the doors do not close inside, the doors in the WC and the shower do not even close completely, no locks, no cramps. In the toilet bowl, after each use, open the lid of the reservoir and arrange the float.Other muddy, berdrain street, untidy garden under the terrace.

  • loikoevg



    Stop here and you will not regret!

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