Kldisdziri i Zeda Tkhilnari

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GJWV+FMV, Zeda Tkhilnari, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 38 37 15
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.5462269, Longitude: 41.6441572

kommentar 5

  • شخص واحد

    شخص واحد


    A very beautiful and very wonderful place. The mighty eater of kebabs and the salad are his hero.. and their prices are sweet

  • Bayan Al-D

    Bayan Al-D


    المطعم جميل مكانه ع شلال و اكله رخيص ما يتفوت اكرر الزياره 👍🏻

  • Sh19993 Sh

    Sh19993 Sh


    The place is fantastic Eating is not suitable for Muslims Dogs in it are many and disgusting and eat in the same dish as the restaurant and the cook when the dog comes to him and his kisses and kisses in his mouth On who visits this he comes with cooking utensils with him

  • خالد حمد

    خالد حمد


    A fabulous place with waterfalls and good food

  • Михаил Маркелов

    Михаил Маркелов


    Great food! And most importantly, a wonderful view! Dinner at the waterfall. The noise of the river. Everything is covered by trees. Pay only in cash. If there was a cashless payment, we spent more.

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