Chinebuli i Gori

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kutaisi Street, Gori, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 370 27 06 02
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Latitude: 41.9878649, Longitude: 44.1142308

kommentar 5

  • Ioana Ghinescu

    Ioana Ghinescu


    Delicious soups.

  • Ana Nadiradze

    Ana Nadiradze


    Norm prices, fast service, delicious khinkali

  • Iryna



    A nice place to eat before/after attending Stalin's museum, it's just cross the road. Their menu is quite extensive, prices affordable, staff is friendly and welcoming. The food arrived quickly and was of a good quality. There's an aircon. Generally speaking it is a place to recommend.

  • Mission Number

    Mission Number


    Prices rather high than moderate, long time you have to wait for the delivery. Taking care of the client still needs to be improved. Rather won't come back there.

  • Lani Web

    Lani Web


    Terrible service, not one smile from the waitress. It was as if we were disturbing her. While taking our order, it was a chore to explain the menu items, to such an extent that I did google searches to better understand the menu items. Only half the order was delivered to our table and we were charged for the full order, including items we could not match with our order placed (more items on the bill than what we ordered). The staff were more concerned with laughing and joking about my children than providing a decent service. It seems like the meat was boiled briefly, not grilled, then tossed into old potatoes, then copious amounts of herbs were thrown in, and the whole lot mixed together. The herbs overpowered the entire meal and it was not pleasant at all. It did not even look appetizing. What a let down overall.

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