Cafe Paulo i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienCafe Paulo


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Davit Aghmashenebeli Street, Kobuleti, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 41.8509171, Longitude: 41.7797821

kommentar 5

  • юля леньо

    юля леньо


    Good service! Huge selection on the menu. Beautiful room design, this is the best facility near our hotel. Wonderful helpful host. Usual prices, and has a mandatory check chayevyh!

  • Иван Прожерин

    Иван Прожерин


    They came and ordered dumplings in pots for two, a salad and Ajakhuri for me, my friend had already eaten and was bored, they hadn't even brought me my Ajakhuri yet ... At prices more expensive than average within a radius of 1 km

  • Davit Davitashvili

    Davit Davitashvili


    Perfect atmosphere, full comfort, tasty food

  • Anastasiya Du

    Anastasiya Du


    Came to the cafe to eat dessert. We looked at the signboard of the name (which was not on the menu) and decided to order, but the waiter said that there were none, then when they asked me to tell you what desserts are there, he left. A girl arrived who, in a second, also left after learning that we were interested in desserts. Then another girl came up and said that there were no desserts. And then she said that there was a French bun. We decided to try. As a result, a piece of dough sprinkled with sesame seeds without sugar. The cost of 6 GEL / ~ 66 UAH / ~ 140 rubles. A roll can cost a maximum of 1 lari. Okay with that bun, but it struck me that when they paid, they told us that we were preparing a muffin that we ordered (but we did not order). Cafe, not bad, the girl sings beautifully, the atmosphere is pleasant, but this attitude is very frustrating. The impression spoils when you look at the signboard with the names of desserts, you hear offers from the waiters, and when you look at the menu you see that there are none on the list. In general, some sort of mess. Money is a pity. I am writing the whole situation so that they can judge whether you like this attitude or not.

  • Grigori Dvalishvili

    Grigori Dvalishvili


    Was good but too few and expensive

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