ბლექ ენდ ვაითი i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienბლექ ენდ ვაითი


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E70, Kobuleti, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8696707, Longitude: 41.778308

kommentar 5

  • Johan Geyser

    Johan Geyser


    Food is no good!

  • ЛEA



    Beautiful interior, many dishes, and it was interesting to try something that is not on the menu: for example, Mingrelian baths! Very satisfying and amateur. Instead of bread, the salad was in my bite.)) But it is better with pita bread, who is not on a diet.) I recommend to visit! Near access to the sea.

  • Татьяна =)

    Татьяна =)


    Maybe we're out of luck ... and the people here are tasty and comfortable. Our company of 5 people was poisoned in this institution. It was very noisy and tasteless, but they ate everything like on the road were half a day ... and a surprise! All 5ro were poisoned. I do not recommend it.

  • Ольга Слезовая

    Ольга Слезовая


    What a kitchen !!!! Stunned !!! The portions are huge, delicious! The main thing is everything is fresh! Were in different cafes in Kobuleti, but it is most positioned to him! For any mood and preferences: cooks follow the recommendations of the visitor for cooking (salt, pepper, a combination of ingredients, etc.) Recommended!

  • slezovoy



    Hospitable cozy cafe with excellent cuisine and low prices. Cook very tasty !!! Repeatedly were here. Ajapsandali, Khinkali, Kharcho, Khachapuri, Ojahiri and others - all at the highest level! And kebab here what! The owners are very friendly, but it must be borne in mind that the owners of the cafes have nothing to do with the Black and white hotel, they rent a room for a cafe near the hotel.

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