VanDent dental clinic i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienVanDent dental clinic



🕗 åbningstider

26 May Street, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 422 27 27 15
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6439131, Longitude: 41.6350301

kommentar 4

  • Eline Bajelidze

    Eline Bajelidze


    This clinic spoiled the impression of Batumi. My son had a toothache and could not be cured, did not open his mouth. Let's go to this clinic. They promised under the mask of treatment. It turned out to be anesthesia. Several times we asked about the anesthesia, we were promised that everything would go smoothly and that the anesthesia was light, some kind of special for dentistry. 4 teeth were treated. For 4 hours the child had not eaten or drunk before. Reception was scheduled for 6 pm, came in only at 7:10. And it all ended at 23:10. They didn't give me a check, no contract, nothing. 1000 lari On the next day, the child was all swollen, all the gums were crippled, lips and even chin. I could not eat or drink. During the treatment, the doctor kept arguing with someone on the phone. It's just trash. I would not wish this on anyone.

  • Marina Shekhovtsova

    Marina Shekhovtsova


  • Gela Zoidze

    Gela Zoidze


  • xatula meskhi

    xatula meskhi


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