Tone.თონე i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8 Egnate Ninoshvili St, Tbilisi, T'bilisi 0112, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 90 09 29
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Latitude: 41.709023, Longitude: 44.802819

kommentar 5

  • Evgeny Goroshko

    Evgeny Goroshko


    Interesting and cozy place! Good food and wine!

  • Jeremy Swartz

    Jeremy Swartz


    This is a great place to grab a quick bite and or drink. It is in the Fabrika complex. Like many places in Georgia they make their bread fresh and onsite. You can taste the freshness and quality when you order the bread or a sandwich. The pumpkin soup, chicken sandwich, and steak sandwich are outstanding. The staff is extremely friendly. Great place to relax with food and or a drink while at Fabrika. A great place to gather your thoughts as you figure out what you are going to do with the rest of your day. You will not be sorry that you visited.

  • Anthony Smith

    Anthony Smith


    Nice little spot to eat and have a drink. Sandwiches are very good and the wine and beer is great as well. Indoor and outdoor seating available.

  • Vladimer Shioshvili

    Vladimer Shioshvili


    Reasonable prices and great food. Service was good and place is comfortable.

  • Dodie Kharkheli

    Dodie Kharkheli


    Steak sandwich is very delicious quick bite and price is also good. They also have one of the best steaks in the city - I recommend medium rare with wine sauce.

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