სოფიასთან Sofiastan i Zugdidi

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Georgienსოფიასთან Sofiastan



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Konstantine Gamsakhurdia Street, Zugdidi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 558 55 56 00
internet side: sites.google.com
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Latitude: 42.4958344, Longitude: 41.8650899

kommentar 5

  • sopio chitanava

    sopio chitanava


    If you love sophisticated style and beautiful environment, beautiful interior, color combination, tasteful and aesthetic environment, this place is for you. You can call "Sofia", visit, and get the service by agreement. Do not regret it! Definitely visit! 💜

  • Tornike Jobava

    Tornike Jobava


    სოფიასთან 💛 ეს არის კაფე, რომლითაც ყველა ქალაქი იამაყებდა.. გულწრფელად.. აქ ყველაფერი შეგიყვარდებათ.. ინტერიერი, გარემო, მუსიკა, კერძები.. არ მეგონა თუ საქართველოში ხინკალი გამაკვირვებდა.. არ დატოვოთ ზუგდიდი ისე, რომ არ ესტუმროთ სოფიას 🥞 ეს ქალბატონი გაგაკვირვებთ თავისი შემოქმედებით, როგორც კერძებში, ისე ინტერიერში, რადგან ყველაფერი რასაც შეეხებით, მისი ხელნაკეთია 🎨 და თუ დრო გექნებათ, აუცილებლად ესტუმრეთ მის სახელონსაც (ის ხომ ქალაქში ყველაზე ცნობილი დიზაინერია)

  • Archil Chigladze (არჩილ ჭიღლაძე)

    Archil Chigladze (არჩილ ჭიღლაძე)


    Shock place ...

  • nika kurdgelashvili

    nika kurdgelashvili


    With Sofia or the house of love or the place where you just have to go. We can not call this place a unique cafe, this is an exhibition, this is the culmination of taste, this is the expression of the human soul. Every little detail that even this place has its history and many of them even count 100 years. Here you will meet Frida Kahlo style works, stained glass items and beautiful masterpieces assembled from ordinary details. Now, as for the table, I do not know if you will meet such a thing in many other places. Live sauces and delicious Sofia fruit fantasy dishes with her own lemonade, it's a miracle, it's delicious, this place has exceeded my expectations incredibly.

  • Tata Karbelashvili

    Tata Karbelashvili


    MUST GO PLACE in Zugdidi!!! It exceeded all my expectations, I wish to have this kind of place in my city as well!!! Lets begin, staff is so nice and helpful, they created this cafe/restaurant by themself and put their heart into it 😍 We had super delicious Khachapuri, dish called Bagrationi which was my personal favorite I couldn’t stop eating it, Fried Khinkali with home made sauce, in general I don’t like fried Khinkali, but taste of those ones was extraordinary you definitely should try it. Homemade lemonade was fresh and had wonderful taste (they have their own special recipe) For this kind of food and service prices are really cheap, everyone can afford it and you won’t be disappointed if you visit this place, it’s truly amazing!!! Interior is just stunning and food is one of the best ones I ever had

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