Restaurant Batontan / რესტორანი ბატონთან i Telavi

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GeorgienRestaurant Batontan / რესტორანი ბატონთან



🕗 åbningstider

2, Erekle II Street, 2200, Telavi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 591 03 25 01
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Latitude: 41.9168655, Longitude: 45.476124

kommentar 5

  • Teo Churadze

    Teo Churadze


    In this place there is very delicious dishes. You have to taste special Khachapuri and Mtsvadi

  • eka kiknadze

    eka kiknadze


    The Best

  • Tiniko Khanjaliashvili

    Tiniko Khanjaliashvili


    Excellent service and great choice of healthy, delicious food 😍

  • Mahsa Zahedi

    Mahsa Zahedi


    Hello We read the review and thats why we came here, We ordered chicken soup+chadi bread -georgian salad -home made potato and kebab We are not happy about this Choice!! They were not tasty , spices were missing. The homemade potatoes weren‘t homemade, just oily. The parley sauce of the salad was just like a blend parsley. The worst was the garlic sauce- just water and masses of pieces cutted garlic, which was only strong and destroyed the dishes even more. We do not recommend at all.

  • Archil Kokhtashvili

    Archil Kokhtashvili


    The Restaurant in one sight appears a highest class, because of cleanness and perfect interior. and four stars I mark only because of this. But in reality Georgian meals are not so good, especially khinkali has a very strange unpleasant taste

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