Regus Tbilisi, Freedom Square i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienRegus Tbilisi, Freedom Square



🕗 åbningstider

4th floor, Tabidze 1 new block, 2 Giorgi Leonidze str, Tbilisi 0105, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 90 00 39
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.692754, Longitude: 44.8007621

kommentar 5

  • Tony



    They don't stay on what the say on the contract and trying to overcharge you

  • en

    Salome Bibilashvili


    amazing working space with amazing staff. always helpful, always smiling . Great networking days with different office holders . Truly recommended by me and by my whole company

  • en

    Ahmad Salem


    It was amazing experience working from Regus, it's not just office space for rent, Regus is awesome work environment and a place for making new friends, also the team is very helpful and doing their best to make our work more productive, I strongly recommend working from Regus.

  • en

    Michael Kerschbaumer


    Great place to be for Start up's and workaholic's, trying to establish their own company, without any need to think and waste time and energy on additional's by running their own office space. Professional approach and service! Thank you Regus Tbilisi Team!

  • Darya Kosheleva

    Darya Kosheleva


    One of the best business center in Tbilisi! Very modern, cozy interior with a comfortable shared space and equipped offices. You can find all what you need for business here and the stuff of Regus will provide you with the best service. Highly recommend.

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