Nukri Guest House i Gori

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienNukri Guest House



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24, Arsen Marabdeli Street, 1400, Gori, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 598 65 65 84
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9696713, Longitude: 44.1075259

kommentar 5

  • Matěj Lev Hart

    Matěj Lev Hart


    Very friendly and hospitable. I recommend the meals because they are large and delicious for a reasonable price.

  • Ana barjadze

    Ana barjadze


    Best place for relax and chill out ! very hospitable host ^_^

  • Nicole Arnold

    Nicole Arnold


    We liked this guest house much. It's familiar n calm. The self made food n Drinks are delicious

  • Nellerichal Sreeju

    Nellerichal Sreeju


    I had to review these guys while I'm still here as they are one of the exceptional hosts you will ever encounter! For a start after booking I got instant message from George with a thank you with all the details, but he recognised we took the mashrutka instead of train and send a direct message in my overseas no to organise a free pick up from the Autobarn/freeway. Nukri came and picked us up and even showed us a few places on the way to visit. If you are in Georgia you should comedown and experience it. I was a bit down with small tummy problem when I arrived, George studies medicine and he sorted me with some medication, later when my trouble escalated to fever and headache, they went and got me more medicines. I do feel much better now. They also considered our request for something light for me for dinner. I have to miss out on their home grown wine tasting for now. The food I had was delicious. Dinner is served in the garden which has lots of grape plants (almost like a small vineyard). Everything clean and neat. The place is old, so has it own character. Now I am looking forward to the breakfast 👊☺

  • Malte Schuldt

    Malte Schuldt


    Excellent guest house. We got a very warm welcome with winetasting, had lovely conversations in perfect English and enjoyed a good night's sleep in a spacious and tidy room. Delicious breakfast. Would definitely go there again.

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