Hotel Lilo near Airport en Tbilisi City

GeorgiaHotel Lilo near Airport


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8 Ivane Iumashev street, Tbilisi City 0151, Georgia
contactos teléfono: +995 599 77 00 55
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6908283, Longitude: 44.9620057

comentarios 5

  • ru

    Евгений Землянкин


    Чисто. Безопасно. Бесплатный трансфер.

  • ru

    Mikhail Kravchenko


    Ужасное место, думаю бывший бордель. Есть нечего, воздух грязный, персонал неадекватный

  • Hajar Jamal

    Hajar Jamal


    الميزة الوحيدة أنه قريب من المطار. لا يسكنه إلا المضطر لأنه سيء

  • en

    David Lambert


    I had a ten-hour layover in Tbilisi and needed to get some sleep, so choose a reasonably priced hotel near the airport with a free shuttle. As soon as I arrived there was someone waiting for me with a sign. The trip to the hotel took about ten minutes. I was surprised at how spacious the rooms were and the beds were comfortable. After sleeping a few hours, I needed to go to a Western Union to withdraw some cash. I was about to catch the metro but George, the owner insisted on driving me. He took me to the nearest location and waited an hour with me to help with the tellers. Afterwards, he took me to a local restaurant, which was one of the best meals of my trip. To top it off, he bought me a bottle of homemade wine as a gift and told me that next time I am in Tbilisi he wouldn't charge me for a room. Great people. Amazing value. Convenient location near the airport. Free transport. I can't recommend Hotel Lilo enough. Wonderful experience.

  • ja




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