Drunk Owl Bar i Tbilisi

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GeorgienDrunk Owl Bar



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21, Samghebro Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 07 87 98
internet side: drunkowlbar.com
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Latitude: 41.6889186, Longitude: 44.8099413

kommentar 5

  • Wouter Govers

    Wouter Govers


    Its a bar with Tbilisi locals and sometimes a lost tourist. Nice place if you wanna hang out with some locals

  • Shalva Chugunadze

    Shalva Chugunadze


    Good quiet place, sometimes live music.

  • tornike Kiknadze

    tornike Kiknadze


    One of the best places in Tbilisi if u want get drunk

  • en

    Iva Said


    Cozy little place near the baths. Perfect if you fancy a drink, but not yet food after your sulfur bath. I like it most early evening, when it is still empty, the windows are open and the music is nice. Don't fancy much when there is a life performance. Too busy, smoky, with quite imperfect sound and 90s-evergreens.

  • Ilia Tsintsadze

    Ilia Tsintsadze


    So i was there once and first impression was that it was very creative and friendly bar. i like bars and when i say friendly it means comfortable and good. it has good bar with lots of cocktails and other drinks. Food is something that i didn't really now but as i saw they served some cool stuff. there was live music and also good situation in background. TV was on Cartoon Network, on Adult swim. It was cool to drink and also to have a good cartoons on. Fun time. i really Recommended this place.

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