Cafe Riviera i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienCafe Riviera



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Давида Агмашенебели 388, Kobuleti, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 555 08 64 64
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8447909, Longitude: 41.7789343

kommentar 5

  • gintautas petrauskas

    gintautas petrauskas


    Worst experience in Kabuleti. Food was too salty and uneatable. Do not recomend!

  • HelenTra



    We were in a cafe at the end of September - the season is already over. Almost all cafes are closed, but here all the menu is available and we had to wait no more than 20 minutes. Everything is delicious - there is nothing to complain about. Kharcho is amazing, the portions are large, satisfying, tasty, moderately spicy. They took different types of khachapuri - everything is cooked as it should, the size of a decent pizza and it costs only 6 GEL. The four of us ate for 40 GEL - more than a reasonable price. We recommend the cafe, unlike the neighboring Ponto - there we ate for 52 GEL, taking less for about 'it and not so tasty.

  • Game Over

    Game Over



  • Татьяна Скрипниченко

    Татьяна Скрипниченко


    The cafe turned out to be not very good to say the least ... the order was waited for a very long time and the first thing they brought us was ice cream, naturally we asked to bring it at the end. We took it away. They brought coffee in Turkish ... know comments, messy. And they have cappuccino instant coffee with milk. Not nice, because the price is 4 Lara for it. Of the minuses it is still a raw churek, which we returned. The prices are unreasonably high for everything, asking for an invoice to us was voiced just like that ... without bothering to write. They asked as it should, in the invoice the price for beer turned out to be a different price than on the menu and there was a problem with one more dish. In conclusion, I would like to wish this institution to correct its disadvantages and work as expected !!!

  • Алексей Парфененков

    Алексей Парфененков


    Beautiful cozy cafe with traditional Georgian cuisine. The portions are large and very tasty !!!

nærmeste Cafe

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