Cafe fleur i Kutaisi

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GeorgienCafe fleur



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Tamar The Queen Street, 4600, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 595 52 03 35
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Latitude: 42.2679812, Longitude: 42.7068334

kommentar 5

  • Gints Dobelis

    Gints Dobelis


    Perfect spot to have any meal!!! We returned this place twice while stayed in town. Both times we where happy with perfect service and delicious meal. Food is provided on very hot dishes so it not cool down in a minute. Enjoy!!!

  • Alexandra Strokina

    Alexandra Strokina


    We had green tea, it was made from tea-bags, it was too strong because of small amount of water and TWO tea-bags . And we had Mexican potatoes, which were served with very tiny portion of the sauce, but 15 minutes ago we saw owner eating the same potatoes but with big bowl of sauce. Staff was very nice and polite, thank you 😊 Music was bit too loud and very very sad, all famous songs in acoustic version. I didn’t understand the concept of the cafe and interior... walls are missing some cozy decoration, blue light at the bar looks like an evening-pub-drinking place and yet it’s a breakfast place.

  • Jay Su

    Jay Su


    Probably the best veal and potato Ojakhuri I've had actually! The veal was super juicy and flavorful. Green salad was big and nice, but the Shakshuka was only okay

  • Adi Levi

    Adi Levi


    Loved the restaurant. Each dish we tried was delicious. Speak English as well. Recommend.

  • Iga Skolimowska

    Iga Skolimowska


    Nice place with good food :) would be great if you could pay with card. But still it's a great place 🤗

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