Bismillah i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1/128, Jansughi Kakhidze Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 12 66 12
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7132421, Longitude: 44.7949602

kommentar 5

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    Alan Manapowa


    Permanently closed.




    Good Food and Good people.

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    Peter G


    Very good meals there! We tried several things to eat an went there at least 3 times during our holydays.

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    Felix R


    I went in to use their restrooms (which was no problem) and it smelled good - but then the nice things stopped. As we were hungry we returned a few minutes later to eat. There was only one other table occupied and they were leaving. We still had to wait 28min from moment of order of our drinks until a coke and mango lassi came. I asked in between if we could please get the drinks but nothing happened. Ingredients for mango lassi came from fridge in the main room and were milk and orange juice (?!). We had to meals. I ordered chicken makhani and asked if it comes with rice. Waitor said yes. When it came it was without rice and he said i mever asked for rice... Chicken was dry and a few pieces swimming in fat. Tasted like nothing (and i have beem to many indian resturants all over the world). Other meal was kind of ok..though it was a strange mixture of ingredients. Waitor in the end somehow got that i was pissed (i started very frienly to remind him of the drinks...) and gave me half a liter of water in a plastic bottl when we left. I was wondering too much to not take it... So...please do not go there! Did i mention it is expensive fpr tblisi and tht there where friends (?) sitting in with earphones? Maybe because the play very loud music?

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    Ser Sew


    Food is ok. Flavors are quite similar to Indian - good spices. Not really spicy though. A bit pricey.

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