Versailles i Senaki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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St. Nino's, 2/4, Senaki 4100, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 591 33 33 45
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.2687423, Longitude: 42.0631315

kommentar 5

  • Jordan Krikoglou

    Jordan Krikoglou



  • John Hauck

    John Hauck


    Friends, this is not a bad hotel: It is VERY clean and every one of the staff whom I have seen or dealt with are very pleasant. The breakfast is outstanding and there's a Spar Kasa next door. But if you are expecting the Marriott or Holiday Inn, just drive another hour into Poti or another two hours into B'tumi. I gave ascribed two stars only because this wonderful palace might be a little behind the times compared to European hotels. I will definitely return here. Hint: This is the arguably the best place in Senaki. There is another fine hotel in town, but it is only a few meters from the railroad track!

  • Vakhtang Gloveli

    Vakhtang Gloveli


    Nice place, welcome staff, tasty food, clean rooms for acceptable prices.

  • Alexander Dolidze

    Alexander Dolidze


    Great place to stay in the center of Senaki.

  • Ekaterina Ekaterina

    Ekaterina Ekaterina


    Feel comfortable and secure. Thanks "Versailles". I'll be back

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