VELO+ ველო+ CUBE ოფიციალური დისტრიბუტორი საქართველოში Bicycle shop Tbilisi i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienVELO+ ველო+ CUBE ოფიციალური დისტრიბუტორი საქართველოში Bicycle shop Tbilisi



🕗 åbningstider

Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 თენგიზ აბულაძის ქუჩა, T'bilisi 0162, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 47 77 90
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.712169, Longitude: 44.758123

kommentar 5

  • David Kalandadze

    David Kalandadze


    very helpful staff! lovely place!

  • Vito Nardiello

    Vito Nardiello


    Lado is the owner. Very professional and friendly. This shop sells high quality bicycles made in Germany and in USA. Prices are very competitive if compared with other shops in Tbilisi. You can by a German , fully equipped all terrain bicycle for 450 Euros, which is very cheap if you think that in Europe the same bicycle is sold at least for the double. Highly recommended shop.

  • en

    Aurélia GUIOL


    We came there to collect 2 used boxes to pack our bikes after a cycling trip in caucase, we ended paying 30 lari for those 2 boxes, probably an easy way for them to make a quick buck on carton that would have ended in a trash anyway, not the kind of approach we are used to in the cycling community! Disappointed.

  • Mike Boris

    Mike Boris


    Beka helped me a lot with fixing my derailer and the back wheel which wobbled. Thanks a lot Beka!

  • Gagi Gochelashvili

    Gagi Gochelashvili


    The most modern becycle shop in georgia. High quality products and most important thing,very attractive and colorful designs. When it comes to quality,prices are reasonable and acceptable. Frankly say i have never bought the same item after 1-2 years. Also, they can meet ur any requirement. Highly reccomendations from me!!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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