The Folklore State Centre of Georgia i Tbilisi

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GeorgienThe Folklore State Centre of Georgia



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68, Davit Aghmashenebeli Avenue, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 19 29 29
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Latitude: 41.7073097, Longitude: 44.7987797

kommentar 4

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    Vakhtang Mgeladze


    Государственный Центр Грузинского Фольклора

  • en
  • David Tevzadze

    David Tevzadze


    State Folklore Centre of Georgia performs its diverse creative activity in the following directions: Georgian folk music, Georgian traditional chant, oral folklore, choreography, fine and applied arts. Priorities of Georgian folk music direction are as follows: seek for, research and popularize Georgian folk music examples; organize complex field expeditions, seek for and systematize creative biographies, documentary and photo materials about singers, song masters, performers and folk instrument masters; transcribe expedition and audio materials; prepare monographs for publication; create and edit notated collections. Georgian traditional chant direction aims to: research and popularize Georgian traditional chant, consult chanters and clergymen; copy the handwritten originals of chants preserved at various institutions and publish them by means of up-to-date computer technique; transcribe archival audio material; publish collections of chants. Activity of Georgian Oral Folklore Direction aims to: to collect, research, publish and popularize Georgian mythology, fairy tales, legends, stories, epos, proverbs and other examples of oral folklore. Direction of Georgian fine and applied arts unites folk masters and self-taught artists, according to genres and themes, from all over the country, systematically organizes personal exhibitions and those depicting traditional mode of life of Georgia’s different regions. Georgian choreography direction aims to: research Georgian traditional dances, document them by audio, photo and video devices, popularizes them, performs their theoretical and practical processing. Activities of the creative directions of the State Folklore Centre are coordinated by the Centre’s Regional Project Management Service; its basic function is to: obtain largest possible amount of information from Georgia’s regions about folk ensembles, chanters’ and academic choirs, creative activities of the masters of oral folklore, fine and applied arts.

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