Tbilisi International Airport i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienTbilisi International Airport


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Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 31 04 21
internet side: www.tbilisiairport.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6696083, Longitude: 44.964349

kommentar 5

  • Ma Ta

    Ma Ta


    Awful customer service,extremely rude,they need to be trained how to behave nicely with passengers and welcome them. It was my first and last time,went there for an investment,but hopefully l saw many things that l won't do this mistake!

  • en

    Tf Powell


    Dishonest taxis beware. My friend was cheated and overcharged 150 lari. They should cost 25 to 30 to the city Center. Many hotels provide a shuttle for free. Use the phone app Taxify or one of the others. Many Georgian taxis are great but many are criminal.

  • Natig Kurbanov

    Natig Kurbanov


    Recent changes in airport made it a lot better every way.

  • Petr Kalash

    Petr Kalash


    Very nice people in the customs.the airport is not overcrowded don’t everything is clean doubt very easy to get a taxi or a public bus from the airport to the city

  • Temur Jvarsheishvili

    Temur Jvarsheishvili


    Far away from the city center. You can get to the airport from many places of the city. Bus #37 (working 24/7), which costs 0.5 Lari/0.2 Euro only can be easily catched at main railway station. Consider more than 1 hour to get to the airport from the station.

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