TBILISI Free Walking Tour i T'bilisi

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GeorgienTBILISI Free Walking Tour



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Kobuleti street, 32, ap 7, T'bilisi 0179, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 92 29 37
internet side: tbilisifreewalkingtour.com
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Latitude: 41.69297, Longitude: 44.801551

kommentar 5

  • Karmen Ross

    Karmen Ross


    Fantastic way to see Tbilisi - warm and well-informed staff (Kate was wonderful), brilliant overview of history and culture and insider tips. A must if here and time allows

  • en

    Josh Webster


    Brilliant tour, really enthusiastic guide (Giorgi) the 3 hours flew by. Highlight for us was probably the trip to the oldest bakery in the city (we visited again 2 more times). Only reason not to give 5 stars is that personally, we would have preferred more facts/historical information as we didn't know much about the city and the country. Highly recommend all the same!

  • Kailos Tremendo Viaje

    Kailos Tremendo Viaje


    We did both tours (alternative and normal one) and it was a great experience, fun and informative with Anya and Anton, highly recommended if you are visiting Tbilisi

  • Ninella Fernandes

    Ninella Fernandes


    As we didnt plan the itinerary for the day, we decided to join the Free Walking Tour that we reviewed online and it was a wonderful surprise. Our tour guru, Anya Pestova, showed all of the key spots, keeping things brief yet informative. She also threw in some additional tidbits that was fun to learn about (a balcony is a shared place in Tblisi :)). WE also discovered a wonderful bakery which was perfect. It was a very enjoyable 3.5 hour tour and kept us entertained. Awesome!!

  • en

    Randy Briones


    This walking tour is highly recommended. We got to appreciate bits and pieces of Georgian history and culture through the commentaries that Anya gave. She knows the ins and outs of Tbilisi, and if not for this walking tour, we would not have been to the oldest bakery, oldest churches, and that hidden water falls in the city, among many other wonderful spots.

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