Tbilisi Central i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienTbilisi Central



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Station Square, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 592 70 57 70
internet side: www.tbilisicentral.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7212492, Longitude: 44.799304

kommentar 5

  • Irakli Natshvlishvili

    Irakli Natshvlishvili


    Buy, this is some remains of Soviet infrastructure with second, twisted life - the railroad terminal tuned into shopping mall. If you are there to buy train tickets - you are in wrong place.

  • darina metreveli

    darina metreveli


    One of the biggest trading center in Tbilisi. You can find here different clothes, electronics, cosmetics stores. There's also large store of gold jewelry. On the last floor there's food station and entertainment centers like bowling.

  • ngmajid



    You can have a pleasant and relaxed trip. There are excellent weather and natural and traditional landscapes all over the city. Tbilisi is not expensive. 🖒👍 And I love to emigrate and I will continue to live there.😊

  • Jeremy Swartz

    Jeremy Swartz


    This is both a shopping mall and the train station. Seeing it's multi-purpose function traffic can be a mess. It can take a significant amount of time to "escape.". Which is rather frustrating if you get in on the late train. Be prepared to pay to get out of the lot. Not sure how the shopping is. However when I was there for the morning train nothing was open. Do not expect the shops to open till 9 at earliest and probably 10 to be safe. At least the the station is in a convenient location.

  • cédric bussac

    cédric bussac


    Good old Soviet style station, try to arrive a bit earlier and double check which platform your train will leave from. I've heard good comments about the food court on the last floor. Connected to the metro. Deserter market is just outside, and is a great local life experience.

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