Smart i Shida Kartli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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S1, Shida Kartli, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 255 75 57
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.0162468, Longitude: 44.0654182

kommentar 5




    You can a good breakfast or lunch here, do some snack shopping. Clean WC and not too crowded.

  • Robert Amery

    Robert Amery


    Good place to stop. Clean with a variety of choices to enjoy a meal. Supermarket, and fast food.

  • Katie Gaage

    Katie Gaage


    Accessible store, easy to move there with wheelchair. The floor was very dirty but everything else was good

  • Maka Broladze

    Maka Broladze


    Great place for taking a break on your long trip , they have bathroom. You can also find delicious fast food

  • Nene Samnashvili

    Nene Samnashvili


    If you are driving from Tbilisi to the west, it is the proper supermarket on the highway. There is a bathroom as well. You will need to have 1 Gel coin to use it.

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