საზღვაო ჰოსპიტალი i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienსაზღვაო ჰოსპიტალი



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მელიქიშვილის ქუჩა #102ბ 6010, Batumi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 422 27 25 88
internet side: www.mh.com.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6356763, Longitude: 41.6372408

kommentar 5

  • جوزيف خان

    جوزيف خان


    Gate 7:50 PM closed It is clear from the comments that my dog ​​is one second role

  • Tini Goginava

    Tini Goginava


    How are the inadequacies with Vami ?! I could not find any information in Google, nor could I find a contact on the hotline of the Ministry of Health. What are you unworthy of with this. The patient was brought in and I can not understand anything that is happening. Fuw your unworthy ......!

  • Viktor Filonenko

    Viktor Filonenko


    Good place, new and tidy. Doctors & medical staff are very skilled and do all they can to provide best service. My wife had a surgery here, so I know what I am talking about.

  • Petr Horáček

    Petr Horáček


    Despite bad circumstances, I would say we are glad we came here. Their support officer (Giorgi) did his best to guide us step by step and helped us with translation of the treatment. The staff were professional. In the end we got a taxi to the airport and managed to get our flight.




    it is oky quality hospital, they work fast as much as they know, i been doing maritime medical there where I was totally satisfied with their service.

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