საჩხერის სამედიცინო ცენტრი i იმერეთის მხარე

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienსაჩხერის სამედიცინო ცენტრი



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8CJ3+594, იმერეთის მხარე, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 435 22 58 79
internet side: www.smc.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.3303976, Longitude: 43.4034491

kommentar 5

  • kaxa zabaxidze

    kaxa zabaxidze


  • Besik Kapanadze

    Besik Kapanadze


  • giorgi jugeli

    giorgi jugeli


    Answers to the indicated phones are not registered, it is impossible to connect, what hospital is this !!




  • Давид Азариашвили

    Давид Азариашвили


    I was hospitalized at Sachkhere Medical Center for a month with the corona virus. I was left with the best impression of this institution. All the best on the technical side. Staff This is a separate topic. Starting with the janitor, ending with the guidance, I sometimes had the feeling that sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles were coming and going to my house. These are the heroes, dressed like these astronauts, where does so much strength, patience, warmth and dedication come from? I'm sure it would not happen without a knife. May the Lord Jesus bless you even more and strengthen you in this mortal-vital battle.

nærmeste Hospital

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