Project 39 i T'bilisi

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GeorgienProject 39


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39, Shalva Tsintsadze I Turn, 0180, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 577 11 17 89
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.7354843, Longitude: 44.8038303

kommentar 5

  • saad alajmi

    saad alajmi


    I can say “ the best pizza you will eat in Georgia “ , you have to visit the restaurant ‘ it’s a little bit hard to reach but it deserve.

  • Mrs. Ana Ts.

    Mrs. Ana Ts.


    it's ok. really not best Pizza... even not good Pizza. was there because of others recomendations but verry dissapointed. Staff is good and they are trying to have good service ... but without good food and high class it's almost impossible .

  • thebestion



    First time we was here. It’s a very chilling place in the garden. Kind of Holiday in Tbilisi. The service was great and very friendly. We tried the pizza and the pizza was good. First the pizza was not baked in the bottom. Some parts was even raw Doug. I told them and they fix it and bring a new pizza. This was very nice and service oriented. In other Georgian restaurants people don’t care. So just for the service is great to come here. Location is very nice like I sad. And the pizza when it’s baked is great too. I can recommend this place to have a nice dinner in a nice location.

  • Danielle R

    Danielle R


    Yesterday I came with my husband for their weekly movie nights. We were the only one there so it felt like a private screening which was pretty cool. The whole experience was a great surprise. The bar is located in the middle of a local neighborhood. The pizza is hand made with fresh ingredients, one of the best pizzas I had. The vibe is very casual, love the garden setting, nice music in the background with in a normal volume that enables a chat. But more than anything I have to mention the unique service. It feels like you come to a friends place, very homey, warm and smiley. Special thanks to the awesome Maria! And for anybody else, if you're looking for a chill vibe, great pizza and special drinks you should really come there!

  • Suna Van Zyl

    Suna Van Zyl


    A bit out of the way but so worth it to visit. Exceptional food freshly prepared by amazing chef, games room, outside play area for kids and Monday night movies on the big screen out in die Garden. Bar available. Quirky and artsy features everywhere and the most fantastic staff ever. Nowhere will you feel more relaxed and welcome as here. Definitely worth a few visits. You can walk here from the metro but beware the uphill. It's steep and uphill all the way. Going home downhill is a pleasure and worth the walk through the old neighbourhood built against the hill. Safe to walk at night as long as you know your way lol. Lovely fresh mountain air and a delightful place to visit and unwind

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