Pixel 34 i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienPixel 34



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34, ილია ჭავჭავაძის გამზირი, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 577 25 00 25
internet side: www.pixelcenter.ge
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Latitude: 41.7090815, Longitude: 44.7702447

kommentar 5

  • actopeanut z

    actopeanut z


    people isn't absolutely friendly or helpfull here every time they asking for money

  • Jeremy Swartz

    Jeremy Swartz


    It is a small shopping mall. Not a place to show up and browse. You would only go here is there is a shop here that has something you want. When I was there the place was pretty empty and not all the shop spaces were rented.

  • GK U-Art

    GK U-Art


    Nice compact place to buy toys, electronics and wear.

  • Giorgi Gujabidze

    Giorgi Gujabidze


    The shopping mall is ok, but it is rather small one compared to other malls in Tbilisi and the bad thing is, that it has very few parking places and it's too expensive.

  • Gigi Reisner

    Gigi Reisner


    This shopping mall only has a few good places to buy anything at. Next is a great shop, they offer quality good-looking clothes for a decent price. And the upper floor has a rented room that offers proper driving lessons (theory and practicals) There are a few electronics shop including a Geocell one (which I haven't used and thus can't give a proper review on) and the upper floors have other miscellaneous stores (from which I also haven't partaken) . The bathroom is in an atrocious state, most of the sinks are broken, some of the stall doors have what looks like barbed wire around the handles. The stalls that aren't blocked have the flusher ripped off the wall and just a zip-tie to pull on if you want to flush.

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