Old Tiflis Hotel i T'bilisi

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GeorgienOld Tiflis Hotel


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8/1, Ioseb Grishashvili Street, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 231 99 99
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.6882959, Longitude: 44.8113393

kommentar 5

  • Jeanette Grottesi

    Jeanette Grottesi


    Extremely rude and helpless staff, specially the front desk. She was on her personal phone, careless, and she didn’t even bother to look at us, even when we were talking to her. Poor wifi connection. The only good thing is the location.

  • mohammed elkhamissy

    mohammed elkhamissy


    I stayed there for 5 nights. If i will come back to Tbilisi i will come to same hotel. If u like the old style buildings and architecture you will love the hotel and location. Everything is near you. Hotel staff are very friendly and helpful. Rooms are clean and neat. If you need to wash your clothes they don’t have a laundry, but they can arrange one for you and the clothes will come in same day.

  • nasim ahmed

    nasim ahmed


    Very nice boutique hotel. Service is good. Quiet, clean. Breakfast is just ok although the lounge is small but nice. Furnitures needs to be changed now cause they are quite old specially the bed. It’s in the old part of the city and everything is in walking distance. Plenty of food and activity choices. We had a nice, quiet romantic time for three days and four nights. Would like to visit soon.

  • Luka Esenko

    Luka Esenko


    Nice, clean and cozy place. Great views on the old town from the terrace. Wish it had a gym.. 😊

  • Oussama Ayoub

    Oussama Ayoub


    It is a well located city in the middle of old town where everything you want to see is around you! Great home-feel breakfast and rooms. Great staff helpful. Highly recommended and you honestly wont need more.

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