Old Meidan i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienOld Meidan



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9/11, Samghebro Street, 0105, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 255 35 00
internet side: www.meidanhotels.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6891861, Longitude: 44.8092976

kommentar 5

  • Nabil NAJJAR

    Nabil NAJJAR


    The stuff were so friendly, the hotel is very clean & perfect location....

  • Jenia Davidovich

    Jenia Davidovich


    Really nice hotel, the front desk staff were friendly and helpful. Clear and neat rooms. My room was well equipped (mini bar, safe) and, the balcony was fantastic. Definitely the best location at the old town. Thank you Nino for the excellent experience :)

  • Radu



    The location is very good, the staff is okay. It is very clea, with every day cleaning. Unfortunately it is very noisy if you have the room near the street.

  • Honest Guy

    Honest Guy


    Sweet and very economic hotel very close to city center of Tblisi. I was travelling and even they couldnt confirm my reservation our rooms were ready and cleaned as per request from some website. Lovely and helpful people!

  • Pavel Kabir

    Pavel Kabir


    This is a very high quality hotel. The breakfast was well thought and rich despite the fact that I was alone at breakfast for two days in a row. The location is amazing. To management: change your receptionist. The guy is grumpy, unwelcoming and spoils all impression of the hotel. The second receptionist girl is amazing and hospitable.

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