Night Office i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienNight Office



🕗 åbningstider

Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 598 22 58 22
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6966812, Longitude: 44.8076212

kommentar 5

  • en

    hessam zand


    one of the worst night clubs I've been to it's just sex business and a very sad vibe and people r devided into groups according to the money that they paid for their sits. unfortunately a friend invited me there and i went with my sister and somebody toched her and she became super mad . in general very bad place especially if u want to go with a female friend or family or anyone just don't go to this place !

  • en

    Latif Gul


    Is anyone know about arabic club in Tbilisi than plz let me know

  • en

    M Moshayedi


    The Best Night Club for Iranian The staff are very friendly and kind The security is well-spoken I emphasize again , for Iranian single man

  • Daniel Ahmadi Adib

    Daniel Ahmadi Adib


    It is not a night club it mostly like a brothel. Hookets all over the place i hated the atmosphere

  • Eka Kadagishvili

    Eka Kadagishvili


    1. it is iranian club ! so please arabs don’t complain about music. if you want to listen arabic songs go in arabic clubs (imparator & bank) 2. most of the time it is crowded. some people are irritated that there is many people 😂 if you like crowded place come in this club, if you don’t like you can go in empty club 🙂 it’s easy 3. price and location is good 4. service is also good !

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