New Dent XXI i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienNew Dent XXI



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N17, Rustaveli Avenue, 6000, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 577 21 00 04
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6506904, Longitude: 41.6315089

kommentar 5

  • Юля Головкова

    Юля Головкова


    I have been visiting this clinic for several months now, because I put braces here, I liked everything, today they accepted me without an appointment for another problem, with acute pain, they just saved me, thanks.

  • Екатерина Семченкова

    Екатерина Семченкова


    The best results and impressions. In 2019, she underwent treatment and prosthetics with Dr. Tamar Shavadze. Immensely grateful for saving the tooth by which other doctors had one verdict - delete. Thank you




    Very disappointed. She wrote down the child to the orthodontist, adjusted her plans, and arrived at the appointed time. As a result, the doctor simply did not go to work. No one warned us. According to the behavior of the receptionist, it was clear that the record was simply forgotten. And I was hoping to bring all my children here, I have three of them. They came by advertising. It’s a pity that in fact such an attitude towards customers

  • Valery Dabul

    Valery Dabul


    I am being treated here for the second year and only positive impressions. Doctors professionals, equipment is all new! The best in town!

  • Daria Simonova

    Daria Simonova


    I visited this clinic as part of a routine examination. Found 4 "CARIES" in the teeth. Doctor Tamara offered to put seals, the price of each 300 lar ~ $ 100. I was very upset and decided to turn to another dentist for a consultation. As a result, I DIDN'T DETECT NO CARIES, I just had a dark plaque on my teeth, which was removed by ultrasound for $ 10. I doubt very much the professionalism and honesty of the doctors at this clinic.

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