مطعم وشيشه تركي اسطنبول i Kutaisi

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Georgienمطعم وشيشه تركي اسطنبول



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5, Shota Rustaveli Avenue, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 558 55 38 73
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Latitude: 42.270588, Longitude: 42.7023847

kommentar 5

  • محمد الغامدي

    محمد الغامدي


    مطعم سيئ جداً لو يقفل احسن له

  • hussien alhasnyah

    hussien alhasnyah


    Wow, one of the worst food I've ever eaten in my life restaurant and rock And the shalat is bye delay in ordering Honestly one of the worst restaurant I've been to in all of Georgia I saw the buffet, and Abdel Moneim was cleaner than that restaurant

  • Adil Ramadan

    Adil Ramadan


    May God lose his head..there is no justice.. the shopkeeper smokes comfortably inside the restaurant and the meat is not cooked. Pictures are not reality.. it seems that the one who answers the food is the one who cooks it. It is important to see and implement your skin.

  • نبيل الشعباني

    نبيل الشعباني


    Satire from these restaurants that degrade halal and then cheat you. There is no good food and no price

  • ابو عاطي العتيبي

    ابو عاطي العتيبي


    The price is expensive + the taste is old and hot, the food is not fresh, no meat or chicken, may God perpetuate the blessing

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