McDonald's i Tbilisi

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Mikheil Zandukeli Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 96 69 67
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Latitude: 41.7034927, Longitude: 44.789864

kommentar 5

  • en

    hessam zand


    portion are very small . of u get q double mag it's like a normal portion hamburger . but it was delicious.

  • Gaurav Sharma

    Gaurav Sharma


    Only reason i am giving it 5 stars is that it serves best veg burger as conpared to other fast food chains.

  • Mia Kevlishvili

    Mia Kevlishvili


    Advice to all you tourists out there: I am a Georgian living in america attending american school and If you really want to feel the true essence of Georgia, stay away from tourist traps and american chains. Keep in mind Tbilisi is not the only city to visit, there is Batumi Kutaisi, etc. Safe travels

  • Teo Gerald

    Teo Gerald


    Macdonald in a classic architecture and situated in a main tourist attraction. It further brought out the beauty of Georgia. You will not miss it coming out from Rusterveli metro station.

  • darina metreveli

    darina metreveli


    McDonald's is a very good place to spend time with people you love. No need to say something pleasant in addition to rate it's tasty food because it's known already to the world. McDonald's is always associated with high quality meals and nice company of my friends. An "econom-menu" is special complect of several meals (coca cola, chocolate ice cream, free and hamburger) that I love most of all💞💞💞

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