Machakhela i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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23, Tumaniani Str., Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 14 21 42
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Latitude: 41.6897474, Longitude: 44.8088309

kommentar 5

  • Muhammad Osman

    Muhammad Osman


    Managed to go to this place only once during our stay in Tbilisi and that too was the last night of our stay. We definitely would have gone back if it wasn’t for the last night. Food was delicious. For what it’s worth, it was perhaps most reasonably priced restaurant for its location and food quality. All the dishes were fresh and were served in reasonable amount of time considering how busy it was. I would recommend this place to anyone visiting this area and looking to try Georgian food. Try to get the table outside though.

  • Aleksandre Glonti

    Aleksandre Glonti


    A decent and a cheap place to eat classical Georgian cuisine. I like it when it's not overcrowded.

  • Маргарита Базанова

    Маргарита Базанова


    Best view and really good food- big portions and wide range of dishes and drinks. It takes a little bit time to prepare some hot meals, but doesn’t matter- the atmosphere is great! :)

  • en

    Vlad Lebyodkin


    This branch is the most touristy of the Machakhela branches in the city. That means 2 things: first, you might not have a table during any time of day. Two, if you do get a table, the food will be fresh and most likely include some waiting time. This is by no means a fancy restaurant and neither it presents itself this way. This is a great option to try out Georgian food from a wide variety with fair pricing. Probably closer to a fast food joint than a proper restaurant, but you still find yourself going there from time to time... Menu includes pictures and is in Georgian, Russian and English.

  • Pooya Entekhabi

    Pooya Entekhabi


    Great food, but more expensive than most of others. That's because of the location, in the most touristic place and also great view. You can find same quality with lower price in some other local places. By the way highly recommend.

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