Lake Lisi i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienLake Lisi


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Lake Lisi, Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 41.7430931, Longitude: 44.7350725

kommentar 5

  • Shaker Natour

    Shaker Natour


    Very nice place for relaxation. Quite and clean

  • Admin Zo

    Admin Zo


    awesome place to relax, to walk and talk with your friends and sometimes just to enjoy the breeze

  • Waqar U. Hassan

    Waqar U. Hassan


    Lake Lisi is undoubted among the best places to see in Tbilisi. Peace, beauty, romance, perfect sun, fresh air, and even more; it's all here.

  • David A

    David A


    From recreation zones on the territory of Tbilisi, the most convenient hideout for the residents of the city and its visitors is Lisi Lake

  • David Chandler

    David Chandler


    Situated on the outskirts of Tbilisi, Lisi Lake is a popular place for families to visit at the weekend for a couple of hours. There are a couple of cafes and children's play area. A place of calm away from the busy city.

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