khushi indian sweets and restaurent i Tbilisi

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Georgienkhushi indian sweets and restaurent



🕗 åbningstider

Queen Tamar Avenue, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 597 92 38 26
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Latitude: 41.7203468, Longitude: 44.7970441

kommentar 5

  • harman deep

    harman deep


    Best indian food ever i taste in tbilisi' specially butter chiken and garlic naan, also portions and good compare to other restaurants

  • Boby Thomas

    Boby Thomas


    Based on the review we went to this restaurant after long tiring day. We ordered takeway biriyani, basmati rice,Dal tasks, Naan curries. Rice were not cooked properly with very limited quantity. Please don't try this restaurant, don't waste your money,time and appetite.

  • Kadir Thind

    Kadir Thind


    They have the best Indian food In tbilisi. You can count on them.... 👍🏻

  • en

    Amir Hosein


    Since this was my first time in an Indian restaurant my review might not be entirely reliable but to me the food was absolutely delicious specially the butter chicken and the staff where extremely polite and helpful. Remember! this place is quite expensive, but anyways it is money well spent.

  • ganesh pasupuleti

    ganesh pasupuleti


    Very nice food and ambience. Nice staff and cool place for children to play. It is near by Station square and walkable distance. If you are planning to visit Station Square don't forgot to visit Kushi Restaurant.

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