KASHMIR Indian- Pakistani-Arabic Restaurant i Tbilisi

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GeorgienKASHMIR Indian- Pakistani-Arabic Restaurant



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Nato Vachnadze Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 40 40 55
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.6963045, Longitude: 44.8022281

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aahil Abiden


    I went to this restaurant with family after reading reviews. Food has been a shame on indian name. I am from India. And this restaurant does not describe what our food is this is a deception. I feel sorry for customers falling in this trap. This scam is going on in here.

  • David Knott

    David Knott


    I visited this restaurant for my Birthday with my wife and would say that this was not authentic Indian cooking. My Chili Chicken was more akin to Chinese, very sweet and sickly processed chicken! My wifes Chicken Tika Masala was way too hot and salty and could have been out of a jar although out of a jar would have tasted better! The nan bread we ordered came as a chapati??? We ordered 2 potions of rice and was served enough for 4 people so why take an order for 2! I asked the waitress whether the chef was actually indian as we had never tasted indian food like this before! We were never asked whether the food was ok only "can I get you the bill"! In summary, this was easily the worst indian meal we have ever had and we have had quite a few over the years I can tell you! To make matters worse this was the most expensive meal we'd had in Tbilisi all week so all in all, a very dissapointing dining experience. Avoid at all costs! The owners response is misleading. The reason I said I'd never tasted indian food like this before was because it tasted nothing like indian food! In fact it now transpires it was chinese food I was eating???? We were never asked whether the food was ok only can we bring you the bill. No, definately not a restaurant I could recommend.

  • gopika g krishnan

    gopika g krishnan


    It is one of the best restaurant in tbilisi....the foods is so tasty nd the people who are working there are so sweet... i m requesting everyone should give a try. Thank You

  • en

    rishi karthik


    all I am saying is: I love it! this is small, comfortable restaurant, places is perfect, food is awesome! highly recommended!

  • en

    ziard zain


    The best place to have the delicious & fresh HALAL food. Our family really loved & enjoyed it. Very good place to have a quite & peaceful meal. Good & affordable price and outstanding service and friendly staff. recommending to all. Thank you for all the support !!!

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