Karvasla i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dadiani Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 66 88 31
internet side: www.karvaslamall.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7191941, Longitude: 44.8024255

kommentar 5

  • Giorgi Balakhashvili

    Giorgi Balakhashvili


    Shopping center. There are shop of bycicle accessiries and hoverboards

  • en

    Lad Lur


    Only one cafe in the mall. Even that one is not the best choise for lunchbreak

  • en

    Giorgi Evgenidze


    not the best location makes it not convinient for shopping, since most of the venues are empty. you may want to wisit it for discounted outlet tho

  • Payam shirazi

    Payam shirazi


    Newly based, useful, easy access, but you can't find all of brands in this centre.

  • T- ok

    T- ok


    Quite nice shopping mall with underground parking. still its not located in the center, easy to reach with public transportation. 15-20 min from the centre to drive. With fresh grocery store on the first story, Little cafe on the second floor which is separated from the shopping areas on the same floor. I like the atmosphere there, because areas in mall are divided perfectly to rest in cafe after walking on the stories for hours (if you ar a fast food fancy or damn good coffee) I just enjoy going there drinking coffee or reading just like in library.

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