In VOGUE - Tbilisi - Beauty Salon - სილამაზის სალონი ინ ვოგ i T'bilisi

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GeorgienIn VOGUE - Tbilisi - Beauty Salon - სილამაზის სალონი ინ ვოგ



🕗 åbningstider

6 Kosta Khetagurov Street, T'bilisi 0102, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 574 34 44 22
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.700506, Longitude: 44.808857

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Sokurova

    Victoria Sokurova


    The best place to make your hair look amazing, attractive and the most importantly - healthy ! There is the most professional hair stylist Svetlana, who's hands are brilliant! I highly reccomend you this place

  • en

    nanuka tsiklauri


    One of the best beauty salons u will find in Tbilisi, with best personal, nice and worm place where u will rest and feel beautiful 😍

  • en

    Maria Voskanyan


    Lovely atmosphere in the salon and everyone was smiley and friendly. Nara was absolutely amazing. She sat with me and talked about exactly what I wanted. Really lovely and chatty. Made me feel really comfortable. That really made it 5*. Thanks for a lovely experience!

  • en

    mj sky


    Did wedding hair and make up in this place. the staff were super friendly and did a fantastic job! I would definitely recommend this place for all things beauty

  • Nika Koghua

    Nika Koghua


    Salon is amazing! I’ve visited it recenty for haircut and resul was fascinating 👏🏻👏🏻

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