იმპერიალი i Senaki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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село теклати, Senaki 4112, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 514 36 34 34
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 42.2587306, Longitude: 42.0198411

kommentar 5

  • Kos Sidelnikov

    Kos Sidelnikov


    Accidentally dropped in here for lunch. The place deserves attention! The food is delicious, the portions are Huge !! The service is very pleasant! And the prices ..... well, they are also very pleasing! And most importantly, do not rush to order a lot! Chances are one soup will be enough! In which there will be so much meat that even the second is not needed! Thank you!

  • serap alarslan

    serap alarslan


    food is really good

  • Popiel Alex

    Popiel Alex


    The interior being quite fancy for the location outside of town, the food was not exceptional. The music facilities were not top level either.

  • Mikael Johansson

    Mikael Johansson


    Clean place and good Adjika and Tkemali sauces, unfortunately nothing else was especially good. Shashlik barbeque served very dry and with french fries. They served what was maybe 2 portion's of Shashlik for 4 people, and charged 50 GEL for those two portions. Would not recommend! They also try to be a nightclub, with music video and disco lights playing outside despite having no customers. Photos from other reviews are not from this place English menu is laughably mistranslated. A few dishes are called "A fried woman's village", "Meat is dry" (unfortunaly true..), "Goat is dry".

  • Levan Bozhadze

    Levan Bozhadze



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