იკამედი ფოთი,ikamedi poti i Didi Lilo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienიკამედი ფოთი,ikamedi poti



🕗 åbningstider

40, Erekle Meore Street, Didi Lilo, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 493 22 28 11
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.1437273, Longitude: 41.6693744

kommentar 5

  • Anastasia Matkava

    Anastasia Matkava


  • Inga Jaiani

    Inga Jaiani


  • Павел Малахов

    Павел Малахов


    A creepy place! We turned there when we were on vacation and the child was sick. The doctor takes several patients at once. They put droppers on some children, they yell, while others listen at that time. Some kind of doctor aybolit in Africa. She didn’t really listen to us, offered to put a dropper in an obsessive way, prescribed antibiotics while frightening me with the terrible Poti climate. After which she asked to come the next day, it doesn’t matter whether it will be better or worse for us. In short, a persistent negative feeling was created that the employees of this institution only care about money, and not about your health. Take care of yourself, bypass this place.

  • Nodar “Tsugo” Gigineishvili

    Nodar “Tsugo” Gigineishvili


  • Tea Bebia

    Tea Bebia


    The best medical care

nærmeste Hospital

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