Hotel Wine Palace i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Wine Palace



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31 Bidzina Kvernadze Street Tbilisi City, Tbilisi 0171, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 555 35 55 55
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.719484, Longitude: 44.7821617

kommentar 5

  • Shinjini Ailawadi

    Shinjini Ailawadi


    The hotel is very clean and well maintained. The rooms are a decent size and fairly priced. They have a hospitable staff. Overall, a goo experience!

  • Oleksii Baliuk

    Oleksii Baliuk


    I stayed in this hotel for 2 months. I can't even imagine how I would have survived such a long business trip in another hotel. The owner is very hospitable, the staff is polite, the breakfasts are top notch. The place is quiet, located among residential buildings. Nearby there are new buildings, but this does not interfere. Next time I will only stay at this hotel

  • Vladimir Radic

    Vladimir Radic


    Really nice hotel in centre of tbilisi. The workers are very polute, rooms are big and clean,breakfast excellent! A lot of taste homemade wine,cognac and other drinks in big basement. Every recommendation!

  • Akbar Kazemimanesh

    Akbar Kazemimanesh


    Interior is finely decorated with hand works of Georgian craftmen in metal and wood and adopted whole the shapes from grape trewoodUnderground floor is a good place to drink wine, the owner's labeled bottles and good tasting Chacha... Hospitable and hostile staff.

  • Odin Eristavi

    Odin Eristavi


    Very comfortable, clean, trendy and best prices ever, and location is next to holiday inn hotel. We received free wine, free coffee and tea all time, super friendly staff and hotel owner is always there welcoming guests and he is so generous. Breakfast is really tasty and the hotel is really super clean and elegant.

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