Hotel Light House i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Light House



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8, Samreklo Street, 0179, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 25 52 68
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.696973, Longitude: 44.812777

kommentar 5

  • jyotishree pandey

    jyotishree pandey


    The hotel is located in the middle of the city with all the major places close by. However, it's not very comfortable to stay in the hotel - the lift system, beds etc.

  • Adrian Namakula

    Adrian Namakula


    My Time in Georgia was amazing. The hotel staff were wonderful thought my stay. En the breakfast was delish. Thanks to Holiday Factory for partnering Hotel Light House. See you on my next visit.

  • lakshmi pillai

    lakshmi pillai


    Rooms where good but there was no elevator in one section of the hotel ..we had to carry our bags upto the third floor

  • Ranjit Singh

    Ranjit Singh


    Nice hotel and very nice service. I want to visit again this hotel. 👍

  • Dennielle Lomboy

    Dennielle Lomboy


    Rustic Georgian boutique hotel. Staff is really helpful. Food is amazing! Near the town proper and literally 3 mins walk from the Church.

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