Hotel Iveria Inn i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Iveria Inn


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6, ალექსანდრე წულუკიძის ქუჩა, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 43 88 88
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6892932, Longitude: 44.8673192

kommentar 5

  • Anadi Mittal

    Anadi Mittal


    It's a good hotel that is located at a distance of 15 mins drive from the city centre. Located next to the modern building of ministry of interior and small residential area, the hotel is a small boutique hotel. The amenities on board are bare minimum but for the price charged they are sufficient. The drawback is that it is not hospitable to walk around the hotel area in the night and it's distance from the city centre where majority of activities that Tbisli offers are located.

  • Aadithya Ganesan

    Aadithya Ganesan


    As a family of four, we felt at home from the start in this place, the staff were all really welcoming. The rooms were really comfortable too, with amazing beds and spacious balconies with a view. The only downside was the lack of a dedicated parking area for the hotel, we had to park around the place most of the times. I would highly recommend Iveria Inn to Tbilisi visitors.

  • en

    בני חכים


    Very good hotel. The workers there so kind and always want to help. The room was big and clean. I really liked my stay over there.

  • kiron bhatia

    kiron bhatia


    Very clean and cozy place. The staff were courteous and the room service was very efficient. The food quality was good and the decor was minimalist but eye catching elements. We even enjoyed the seating outside... as we enjoyed the drizzle.

  • en

    Anand Swamy


    Staff is very polite and co-operative. Starting with the Bell Boy till The house keeping are very professional and courteous. Room are neat and clean. The Reception also have a lot of information even if u need taxi or anything they are fully planned. The Restaurant staff are also very good only thing which is repetitive is the free Breakfast it's the same until u want to order something special..... But worth a stay for many more reasons, though a little bit in distance from the main city...

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